Project “4Change” at Technology and innovation festival "Mehatrons” in Jelgava
The mechanical engineering and metalworking industry professionals, vocational schools, craftsmen and other enterprises who are connected with metalworking area participated with various activities in Technology and innovation festival "Mehatrons” on September 7 in Jelgava.
The aim of the festival is to promote education offer and career opportunities in the engineering professions as well as arouse interest in experimentation, construction and challenge young people to start career in metalworking and mechanical engineering area.
Alongside with other activities, also the project “4Change” was introduced to the wide public of the festival. The visitors could learn about the situation in metalworking area, requirements for the specialists employed in the manufacturing, and the possibilities to acquire a qualification as well as see at work technologies used in metalworking area and try out some of them.
The project “4 Change” has moved into the final stage of its implementation, and the visitors were introduced to the results.
On 7th of September on the Pasta (Post) Island, visitors of the festival will have the opportunity not only to watch Robotics competition, but also to familiarize themselves with educational institutions, in which engineering can be studied as well as the companies in which engineering knowledge is applied.
“4Change” project team will also present the project and its outcomes and demonstrate technologies used in metalworking area.